♥ ♥ ♥ Sometimes I wonder if you think about me as much as I think about you



Surrender the pink

I just finished reading "Surrender the Pink" by Carrie Fisher. Overall, I impressed with it, though at times she came off as too much of a feminist for my liking. There was a four page dialogue about gender inequality between the protagonist and other characters. After the first few paragraphs, I started to gloss over the rest. Not to say I do not believe in our rights as women, believe me, I do. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for it tonight.

What I did like about the book was her sentiments on loving someone. Once someone fell in love with her, she no longer needed contribute love or affection to the relationship. It was something established then she could turn her back on it.

In many ways I feel that way. I convinced J to love me, to fall in love with me. And I fell in love with him. But he continues to contribute and fall in love more and more and so often I feel that I haven't progressed. If anything, his infinite love pushes me away. It makes me crave what I didn't have before. When he didn't love me, I wanted him to, and now that he does... what is left in the chase? It isn't a chase. Jesus, I can't word this right to save my soul.

The book was a reminder of my own neurosis and my fucked-up perspective on relationships, that I know for sure. The ending didn't help since she let what she once loved move on and eventually accepted it. Actually, she left, and wanted him back but it was too late. Hopefully I'll learn something about what not to do from this book.

10:56 p.m. - 2011-04-24


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