♥ ♥ ♥ Sometimes I wonder if you think about me as much as I think about you




Can I scream yet?
I wish I honed the ability to scream, because I would. Loudly.
So I went to nova scotia for christmas and i had a wonderful time. in fact, so wonderful that when i came home i decided to apply for jobs out there.
i foolishly asked j to accompany me to nova scotia and silenced by a prompt no.
if anyone out there knows who i am, i don't take no for an answer easily. so after having my crying fit, i awoke this morning to start drafting a fairly confrontational note about how we should be moving there so we can create a life together.
what was i met with?
well let me tell you. i was met with an email sent from him (we can't phone because we're at work) and his is about how he said no because he is thinking about going to med school in POLAND! seriously... where did this come from and why didn't i know about it? he is taking a course at school right now and what i didn't realize is that this course is his last prerequisite for writing his MCAT and going to med school.
i mean i am extremely happy for him don't get me wrong. but i am hurt beyond belief that he wouldn't tell me about something as big as this. i was asking him to join me in a venture across the country. i wasn't planning on moving to a different continent!
i got back to the west coast so excited to be possibly starting a life with j and i was met with one of the hardest facts. he said the biggest fear he had is leaving me here and him going, but i'm sorry, he should have said something and i could have supported him. i don't even know how long he has been gone for. this is something that we are going to be discussing tonight.
i want to bring up the good things that are happening right now, but i'm too frustrated to even get them out.

1:59 p.m. - 2008-01-11


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